Northern California Festivals, LLC, works diligently to bring top-notch events to groups and communities.  This includes partnering with Corporate supporters whose participation is essential to ensure a successful event.

Why support events by the Northern California Festivals, LLC?

Event marketing is the most powerful approach to get your brand name, product identification, and/or service image in the minds of the thousands who attend or participate in festivals and related activities.  Northern California is home to the most diverse population in the nation comprised of White, Asian, Latino, African American, Native American, Pacific Islander, Russian, Middle Eastern, and Southeast Asians.  When it comes to festivals, music, and food, the lines of distinction are commonly blurred, creating opportunities for sponsors to maximize marketing efforts to all these groups through single events.

Northern California Festivals, LLC, will only produce events that are designed with cultural, food, and appealing ethnic themes to ensure the attraction of a large number of attendees. Our constant goal is to provide events where the sponsors and attendees will be greatly satisfied to continue a long-term conduit of support and participation.  We offer competitive sponsorship levels to ensure a win-win-win.
If you are interested in being a sponsor or bringing in a sponsor, contact us via email at cris@saclatino.com

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